Dr. Mario Ambrosia prided himself for his entertaining and informative lectures in his university linguistic classes. He understood that linguistics was the unwanted step child at most universities because most didn’t know what it was or how it could help society, so Ambrosia never took himself seriously. As long as the university kept depositing checks into his bank account, he didn’t care what others thought.
His classes were a favorite, not because he was an intellectual giant but because he could entertain. At the university, it was rare to see or hear someone that loved what they did no matter the course.
And linguistics as a rule was quite boring.
Introduction to Linguistics 501 had been meeting for a full week already this semester. Before every class, especially early in the semester, students were still roaming the halls trying to match the class with the right professor.
Dr. Ambrosia stood at the lectern and interacted with the early students while he waited for the classroom to fill up. Thirty students had registered and had attended the first week of classes. No one in the Registrar’s office had given him any Add or Drop numbers. As far as he was concerned, all 30 would show up again tonight.
A confused student took two steps inside the door, squinted at Dr. Ambrosia, looked down at her schedule, and asked, “Critical Thinking?”
With hands on both sides of the lectern, Dr. Ambrosia looked over at the student, shook his head, and said, “Sorry, but we don’t do any critical thinking in this class.”
After that, I'd've sat down just to hear what the professor had to say! But then I'm not a first-year student, probably away from home for the first time.
LOL! 🤣🤣