“Hey you! You with the glasses. Over here.”
Sam whistled to get his attention.
“Over here!” He sighed.
“It’s no use, Millie. He doesn’t see us.”
“Oh he will, Sam, he will. Give ‘im time. Wait until he gets bored, then he’ll make his way over and look us up and down. He always does, especially when he doesn’t get a date on the weekends, which happens pretty regularly.”
“I hope you’re right, Millie. I mean, I feel so useless, so out of my element just sitting here waiting for these people to look our way.”
“Just you relax, Sam. He’s got to approach us sooner or later. I mean, we’ve got so much variety in our group. You’ve got LaffyDaffy the comedian over there, Webster the know-it-all and his cousin Thesaura, LindaLover the romantic type, BusinessBurt the business man, and between you and me, we’re the self-help gurus of the world. Oh, forgot, Maggy. She’s good for a short, how shall I say, junk food diet, but she’s good for what she does.”
“Aap. There he goes, Millie. Ignored us completely. I wish we had a louder voice.”
“Oh, our voice is louder than you think,” Millie said. “They just have so much to occupy their time. In fact, I remember he watched the computer screen for an entire afternoon without getting up once, came back from eating and spent the rest of the night in front of the screen.”
“Ah, those were the days, back before those computers and monitors”
“Tell me about it,” said Sam. “I remember them well. Warm and crackling fireplaces. No noise. Snuggles. Cocoa. I lived for those nights.”
“Let’s hit the hay,” Millie said. “We can only hope for the best when a book will no longer be a four-letter word. Tomorrow will be the day. I’m sure of it.”
Thanks, I needed this reminder to make a choice from my stack of adventures and knowledge enhancers!