Dex wasn’t in the habit of hailing cabs for residents, but he did it on occasion. Since his duties as a maintenance man called him outside on occasion in the condo building driveway, he merely raised his hand and within a few seconds a taxi did a U-turn and was in the driveway.
Mrs. Turner-Reese, a high school teacher, was the rider today for this cab. She always took cabs to her high school several blocks away. Dex opened her door and she slipped him a dollar.
“Thank you, Mrs. Turner-Reese. Have a great day.”
The dollar bill wouldn’t go far but it was a buck for just raising his hand. He’d do that all day every day if it paid that well.
Just so happens that Dex was in the same place two days later when the high school teacher was heading off to school. She handed Dex a dollar and he held it there and said, “What’s this for?”
“Oh, did I already tip you for a couple of days ago?” she asked.
“Yes, Ma’am, you did.” Dex said.
Just as quickly as she handed him the bill, she snatched it and slipped it into her purse.
“I’m walking today. Don’t need a cab. Thanks for your help.”
As she walked away, he stood motionless with his hand in the same position he took the bill, and thought, “Easy come, easy go.”
Whoops, teacher's slipped a cog.
Mrs. Turner was not a very nice person. I know how Dex felt about losing a dollar. I grew up very poor, and a dollar was a lot of money for my family. Karma will deal with Mrs. Turner when she least expects it. This story made me angry.