Rachael dropped into the dollar store to grab some paper clips and staples.
That’s it.
The markup on those two items at the big box office stores was easily 100% or more from what she would pay at the discount store. For non-essentials and non-health related items, a quick stop in the dollar store saved her a lot of money.
Unfortunately, her quick stops there were never quick.
Forty minutes later and with a half-full cart, Rachael walked up to the checkout lane and unloaded her items onto the conveyor belt.
One by one a gum-chewing, multi-colored hair cashier scanned the items and bagged them. Since the dollar store sold alcohol, the cashier had to be over 21 but only barely.
In between gum cracks, the cashier asked, “Did you find what you were looking for today?”
“No, not really,” Rachael said. “I wasn't looking for any of this.”
“Ha ha and congratulations,” the cashier said. “You’re the third person who’s said something like this and it’s not even lunch time yet. Your total comes to $82.52.”
“Wow. Eighty-two bucks. Okay thanks. Love the hair color,” said Rachael.
For the first time since their interaction, the cashier smiled and said, “Thanks.”
With nine bags in her hands, Rachael pushed open the door and lowered her sunglasses from on top of her head. Walking out to the car, she pressed the fob to open her car door, unloaded the bags into the trunk, and sat in the front seat.
Before she turned the key in the ignition, Rachael paused and closed her eyes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said in a whisper, whacking the steering wheel with the palm of her hand. “Forgot the paper clips and staples. Eh, next time. And then I’ll really save me some money.”
🤣 that's why I go into stores with a list and I try really hard to only purchase what is listed. Those extras add up quickly.
😆 Ain't it the way? Even when you write a list, extras still find their way to your cart!