I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I forget
It’s not intentional, mind you
I mean, how could it be
For example, sometimes I forget to water the plants
Two months later, no more plants
Gone, died
It’s my own fault because I really should have a thorough to-do list the older I get
But I don’t
And I don’t expect that I ever will
That’s not all
I sometimes forget to take out the garbage on Wednesday nights for a Thursday morning pickup by the trash collectors
Perhaps it’s a mental block I have
Maybe deep down I don’t really want to tie up the last bag, open the garage door, go out to the driveway and toss the bag into the can and wheel it three feet to where the pickup crew can hoist it into their truck easily
It’s not a complicated process but sometimes I’m just lazy about it
I know it needs to go out else I have to wait another week for what’s already outside to be picked up
The trash crew certainly isn’t going to wheel the can down for me
It’s not their job
If I was handicapped, they might do it, but I’m perfectly healthy
I suppose if I put on the proverbial thinking cap, I could come up with other examples of my forgetfulness, but alas, I can’t overthink this because it’s just not worth further consideration
Sometimes I just forget
I took out the trash thanks I almost forgot.
I had a brilliant comment to make, but I didn't remember to write it down... Oh, well. At least I'm now reminded to put out my trash bins tonight for tomorrow's pickup. 😄