“Now Mr. Jenkins,” Dr. Taylor said, “I’d like to play a word association game with you. I’ll say a word and I’d like you to say the first thing that comes into your head. Okay?”
“Sure, Doc. I’m good at these games.”
“Okay, first word. Whatchamacallit.”
“That’s your first word?”
“Yes,” said the psychiatrist.
“Okay, uh, thingamabob.”
“Fine, fine,” Dr. Taylor said, writing on his notepad. “Thingamabob.”
“Good. Now, thingamajig.” Dr. Taylor said.
“New one. Good. Hickeydoo.”
“Thingy,” Jenkins said.
“Thingy. I like that. Whozit.”
“Now, whatshisname,” said Dr. Taylor.
“Ok, almost done. Whatsherface.”
“And lastly, Mr. Jenkins, whatshisface.”
“Franky?” Dr. Taylor asked with a shake of the head.
“Yeah. I grew up with Franky and I always called him Whatshisface, but he never liked it. Turnabout was fair play because he always called me Diddlysquat. I guess we’re even.”
“Diddlysquat?” Dr. Taylor asked.
“Yes,” Jenkins said as he sat up right. “Zat you, Whatshisface?”
“One in the flesh. Dr. Frank Taylor. Whatshisface at your service.”
Aww! LOL 😂😂
Oh, David! Thanks for today's merry chase! Delightful tale!!