The driver that was tailgating Oswalt was asking for trouble. He was close enough to be a pain, but far enough away so Oswalt could see him flashing his headlights and honking his horn.
“What’s his problem?” Oswalt said, continuing to look in his mirror. “Go around already.” He opened his window and waved for the tailgater to pass.
But Tailgater kept honking and flashing his lights. Oswalt wasn’t going to go faster, not in this rain at least.
Finally, Oswalt pulled over and got out. Tailgater pulled in behind him. Oswalt headed straight for the driver. By the time Oswalt arrived, Tailgater was out of the vehicle with his arms crossed.
“What’s your problem?” Oswalt yelled.
“No problem at all, my friend.”
“I’m not your friend. You’ve ruined my day.”
“Did you get gas lately?”
“Um, yeah, why?” Oswalt said searching in his mind for a reason for a tailgating stranger to ask such an unusual question.
“I think your I saw your gas cap drop off about two miles back and your gas tank door is still open. You walked right past it just now.”
Oswalt turned around and saw the open door.
Before he could turn around to thank Tailgater, the man had already peeled out into traffic.
Oswalt waved thanks but it was too late.