Ted’s walk was interrupted by an unusual scene: a tall kid was bouncing a basketball as he walked down the street 30 feet in front of him. He could see wires dangling from the boy’s ears, and he was swaying with each bounce of the ball.
With every step the boy took, he bounced the ball, sometimes between his legs, often changing hands to bounce. When the boy stopped off in a local coffee shop, the curiosity was too much for Ted. He had to explore a bit.
Ted wasn’t particularly thirsty and it was past his caffeine-consuming time, so he decided to get a decaf and a muffin. As he stood in line behind the boy, he couldn’t help but wonder who he was and where he was going. There was something just not right with the scenario. The boy’s left cord was dangling by his side as he looked up at the menu. The music blaring from the earbud wasn’t rock or rap, which is what Ted expected.
Ted looked up at the boy and estimated him to be at least 6’6” or closer to 6’8”.
He asked, “Say, excuse me, young man. Going to a pickup game somewhere?”
The boy pulled out the other earbud, looked down at Ted, and said, “No sir, piano lessons.”
“Piano lessons?”
“Yes sir. Every Tuesday and Friday after school for 90 minutes. And Saturday for an hour. Been doing it for four years now.”
“Makes sense. Yeah, I thought I heard classical music from your earbud just now.”
“That’s right, sir. Mozart – Piano Concerto Number 21. Trying to memorize it. I’m close now, very close. Bouncing the basketball on the way helps me memorize. Weird. Right brain, left brain kind of thing. I’ve got a recital on the 17th. 3 o’clock at the town hall. You’re invited. Just trying to get the word out. Interested?”
“Very much so. I’ll be there. Oh, get what you want. My treat.”
Ted held up his hand and said, “No, I insist.”