Seniors Robb and Taylor lay on the grass with their hands behind their heads looking up into the light blue sky. White puffy clouds drifted by and it was a great day just to watch them float by. The boys had just spent an hour squirrel and rabbit hunting but didn’t see any within range or without obstacles between them.
Robb was the brains of the two and he had big academic and science plans after he graduated. As class valedictorian, Robb got a full academic scholarship to Yale, with offers from Dartmouth, UCLA, Northwestern, and Duke. Taylor just wanted to graduate in three months.
Both talked of girls, of course, and travel and school and girls and hunting and fishing and girls and the military and their hatred of all things sports. Taylor couldn’t see his future any further than high school. After that, who knew? He had been looking into the Air Force and Navy but that was still a few months off. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do or where he wanted to live or who he wanted to be.
Throughout all the years they knew each other, teachers loved to call on Robb because he really did know all the answers and was a model student. He had the answer to everything scientific or was curious enough to research it.
“Say, Robb, question. See that cloud over there, the one that looks like a huge muffin?”
“Yeah? It kinda does look like an enormous muffin. Sweet. What about it?”
“How much do you think that cloud weighs?”
Robb searched the sky at the other clouds and then back to the gigantic muffin cloud.
“I dunno, Taylor. I don’t know.”