“That’s a funny sign there,” Rod said to his wife as they waited at the red light.
“What’s so funny about it?” his wife said.
“They’re having a sale on Gs. You don’t find that funny?”
“No, Dear,” said Rod’s wife. “It’s probably a Garage Sale. They didn’t have enough room to put the word garage on there.”
“No way. Ya think?”
“Well, let’s take a gander if you don’t believe me. Pop on over into that lane. I like solving mysteries like this. Maybe that’s all they have for sale is the letter G. Not many places do, you know. Stranger things have happened.”
Rod eased into the turn lane and followed the signs to the G Sale. With no address on the signs, the signs would have to be enough to go on.
Four signs in total pointed them to the sale in question.
They drove slowly past two kids out in front holding larger G Sale signs. There in the driveway were a collage of brightly-colored small, medium, and large wooden Gs. There were no Ds, Es, As, or any other letter, only Gs.
Rod stopped the car and got out.
“Thanks for stopping,” a man in a baseball hat said, holding out his hand to shake Rod’s. “Can we interest you in a G today?”
Rod shook his hand and stared at the man. He nodded and smiled, and then started to walk away but stopped. Rod turned around.
“Yeah, I’m intrigued now.”
Rod looked at the poster board price list and handed the man a couple of dollars, and then chose a large pink G from one of the five standing card tables.
“Just curious, though,” Rod said, “Why only the letter G? I mean, you’ve got to admit…”
The man held up his hand.
“A bet with a friend who lives in a nearby suburb. It would’ve worked with the letter Y too. It’s the stuff stories are made of. You’ll remember us long after we pull the signs, am I right?”
“Yeah, I think you are. My wife Ginger will like this G. Not sure what we’ll do with it, but she’ll like it.”