For three years since Mack and Juanita moved into the neighborhood, Mack invited neighbors from his cul-de-sac over on Fridays to grill. His grill was filled with brats, chicken, hamburgers, vegetables, and occasionally steak. Any neighbor who wanted a bite on a Friday evening was welcome to drop by and eat, to chat, or just to say hey. Mack had an ice chest full of water and sodas, and everyone else was free to bring their adult beverages.
Three years in now, it was a tradition that most of his immediate neighbors enjoyed and participated in. Each week, at least one neighbor would offer to bring some of the meat. The friendships that were being forged during those simple Friday night gatherings were legendary.
“Mack, here’s a question for ya,” Tony the next door neighbor said. “Say you have your 6-pack of brats but an 8- or 10-pack of buns. What do you do?”
“Good question, Tony. You get two packs of brats, two steaks, and seven chicken breasts, feed two buns to the birds and ask your kids if they can figure out with their new math what you just did. I mean, they’re geniuses with their phones and computers nowadays, right, so why not?”
“Yeah, I like your thinking, especially with the two steaks. Better toss in another for Marvin across the way.”
Mack's my kind of guy!