As roommates, Margo and Candace made a real-life Odd Couple.
Margo loved loud rock and roll, but Candace liked soft classical music or silence.
Margo was the extrovert, and Candace avoided excessive social interaction.
Margo thrived on noise and the comfort of a blaring TV or stereo. Candace couldn’t understand the need for constant audio stimulation and why people spent so much time filling their silence void.
Candace was studying to become a microbiologist while Margo was majored in international communications. A diplomat was in Margo’s DNA.
Fortunately for both, their schedules were opposites too.
Their hours were similar after ten and before breakfast so they both slept in the rented condo at night and occasionally ate supper together, but that was the extent of their togetherness.
Early on in their friendship, Margo revealed she was voted Most Likely to become Village Drama Queen. She was proud of it too because it all just fit her persona.
Late one night as Candace sat in the living room reading, she noticed Margo pacing nearby, mumbling to herself.
“What’s wrong, Margo?”
“Guy problems,” said Margo.
“Oh, have a seat and let’s talk it over, goofy,” Candace said as she tossed a wadded up ball of paper at Margo.
The paper wad hit Margo on the shoulder and she said, “Why’d you do that, Candace? Why’d you throw that at me? If that were an iron, it could’ve killed me.”
Candace blinked a thousand times, trying to gauge the seriousness of her comment. With no hint that Margo was playing, Candace concluded this was the beginning to the end of their roommate relationship.
The tiniest things that can trigger a Friendship. This story made me sad and angry. I had a “best friend “ that pulled that crap on me over a joke.
I'm surprised the relationship made it that far.