Kendra showered in the dark for the first time in 32 years.
The early morning storm destroyed a nearby transformer and the Krauss household had no heat or electricity.
The warm water would quickly run out if she wasn’t careful, so she made the best use of her time by letting the water wash away yesterday’s sweat and dirt. The other six in the house would want to use the shower and hot water.
She once read that a lady always needed a little more time – just a little more – and there was no time like the present.
Surely her kids and husband could understand that.
But the incessant pounding on the bathroom door from at least three of them woke her from her hypnotic shower. Apparently they hadn’t read the same inspirational quote.
They merely wanted warm water for their shower too.
Day-dreaming in the shower--a time-honored event for quite a few women. Then, oops! 😁
Good read!