It wasn’t that George Haley was tired every single Sunday during the preacher’s sermon, the words and stories just weren’t compelling enough for him to stay awake. He tried to stay awake, but every attempt he made fell flat. He didn’t snore or anything like that. He just nodded off during the times he should have been awake.
Because the Haleys went to a small country church, the preacher could see who was attentive to his teachings and who had slipped into a dream world. George wasn’t the only one who enjoyed a sermon nap, though he was the most consistent.
Just as George tried his best to stay awake, so the preacher also tried his best to tell great stories.
After a full summer of this, the preacher greeted the Haleys on the way out. as he did after every service.
The preacher said, “George, I’m having a huge philosophical battle going on in my head these days. On the one hand, I could make my sermon more interesting but that would hurt your wife’s chance of strengthening her upper arms, if you know what I mean.”
“Tell you what, Preacher,” George said. “Make your sermons more interesting and I’ll pay for her to go to a gym. I mean, my arm is getting bruised from her elbowing me every Sunday, if you know what I mean.”