She came home each night after her second part-time job plopping into bed without remembering she was still fully dressed. Her full time job in the morning was easy enough and it allowed her to work elsewhere, but she had barely enough energy to do it again the next day.
Deep inside, though, she was hoping to find her Prince Charming. Somewhere, someone would notice her hard work, her figure and features, and her struggles.
Not a hint of anyone was on the horizon.
With two children barely in junior high and a deadbeat ex-husband, her prospects for a torrid love affair looked even slimmer.
Day after day, she made it happen, going through the motions, sometimes smiling about it, never complaining, but realizing it wasn’t forever.
She told herself it was only temporary until something else came through. In her rare moments of downtime, she sent her resume to the companies that were paying low-skill workers a decent wage, one that might even equal the three jobs she was now working.
Until then, she needed sleep.
In the middle of the night, she’d wake herself up enough to undress and put on her pajamas, but tonight she tucked in her kids, spoke with her mom a few minutes, and headed to bed.
The struggle would be real for a few years but well worth it in the end.
Her prayers and tears were just as real.
empathizing...been there, done that--as they saying goes