Ever since Jonas got his new Bluetooth headsets, he’s worn them night and day.
Sure, the headsets make him look dorky because they cover his ears, but they have great quality sound and are comfortable.
With noise cancellation, he could be walking down the street and hear nothing around him while enjoying the tunes he loves.
Mainly, though, the headsets help tune out the rest of the world as his mind wanders to stuff he needs to do. The motivational recordings help also.
“Hey! Hey you! Hey mister!”
“Kids,” the day care monitor said, “He can’t hear you.”
“Heyyyy! We’re talking to you Mister. Hey Hey Hey. Why won’t you look at us? Hiiiii. Helllllo Hey Hello. Hi. Hi. Hiiiiiya.”
“Children, he still can’t hear you. Maybe his music’s too loud.”
Jonas heard something out of the ordinary from his music so he looked up and side to side. The kids to his right were peering through a black wrought iron fence and screaming at him for attention.
He waved at them and continued on his path.
Opportunity lost.
How sad. Opportunity Lost--a chance to learn so much more than those motivational recordings could offer.
Sadly we have all missed great opportunities in life. I always wondered about those motivational recordings. it seems you would get more out of life from experience instead of listening to a robotic voice.