Apr 11, 2022Liked by David W. Miller

My best time out in the rain was as a nine-year-old, maybe forty feet up in a poplar tree, with the wind rocking me back and forth. Quite the ride! I learned the next day that a tornado had touched down about three miles away in Crystal Lake, Illinois, tearing the roof off the Piggly Wiggly food store, tearing up the plaza around it, and a whole lot more. The memory caused me to look up the details, presented here: https://mchenrycountyhistory.org/50th-anniversary-1965-crystal-lake-tornado

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Good story. I had a fisherman fish me out of Spring Creek during Hurricane Agnes in 1972. I would have been 8 then. Good times!

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I remember playing in the rain and stomping in the puddles when I was a little girl. I loved the smell of wet earth. Everything seemed so much cleaner and brighter after a good rain. I'm glad their mom let them go outside. Good read, David.

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The warm rains do bring back memories...

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Indeed! it does

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Don't you just love a mother who eavesdrops and surprises good children with a play-in-the-rain day?

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